Thursday, July 5, 2012

We're Going To The Lake. With 13 Children.

Yes, it's going to be a tad crazy.

And maybe really loud.

And I'm thinking that sleep won't be in abundance.

But hey, whats a vacation without some adventure, right?

As you can see, Lincoln is down here sporting his new little life jacket. No, you can't have him. But yes, you may squeeze those chubby cheeks.

We are here to relax and meet up with a family tomorrow that I met in this big bloggy world - fun, huh?! Jessica from The Making Of A Mom has become a good friend of mine, and I can't tell you how excited I am to hug this woman in person. They have kids the same ages as ours plus one new babe - and they have a story and a future that is full of serving Him. I just love 'em.

You can pray for our sanity as we are about to find out how 4 adults control 13 kids under 8.

Whew, that kind of makes your stomach do a filp flop, doesn't it?

Send chocolate. And Caffeine. Lots of it.

So anyway, we are excited. I am just thankful to have had some time away with our little family, its a rare occurrence and it was much needed. I'll try to upload some pics of the biggest slumber party we've ever seen as soon as I can :).

Hope you all are having a great week!


  1. Well parents often say what's a couple more, It will be fun, fun, fun. Enjoy, yes will be praying you have a super time.

  2. Oh my! What fun! Wish I could join you!

    I would LOVE to give Jessica a hug "in real life" . . . so please give her one for me. :)

    I am sure that your families are going to have a wonderful time together. Can't wait to see pics of the "slumber party".

    Hope your weekend is BLESSED!


  3. Thanks! Wish you were here too, friend!! Someday :).

  4. So cool - have a great time!!! Lookin' forward to those pics!

  5. How cool! Have a great weekend!
