Thursday, July 12, 2012


I should be catching up around the house after vacation...

but I have nails to paint...

I have laundry to do, windows to clean, carpets to sweep, and dishes to wash...

but a day at the pool with my crew sounds better...

There are clothes, shoes, and closets to organize, and a million ideas on (the anti reality site) Pinterest to teach me how...

but I think I'll let my kids be kids and my house prove that fun and love and chaos reside here...

I could change the sheets, mop the floors, prepare fancy meals, iron some clothes, and clean out the cabinets...

but making memories sounds SO much more fun...

I could do this, that, and the other thing...

but I think I'll be a mama first :).

Can't say it enough, love these Summer days!  


  1. Sometimes the but's ought to win... and I think we're the better for letting them :) Looks like your kids are having a magical summer!

  2. Your kids are beautiful! Thanks for visiting my blog, We have lots in common!

  3. Hey! I loved it, you have a beautiful family!!

  4. LOVE the shades of pink in the pool picture!

  5. I am enjoying my first summer ever not working-- and this is the motto I'm living by. I don't know that I'll have another summer where I won't be working at all, so my kids & I are living it up a bunch!!!

  6. I love all of the pink swimsuits :) my little girls will be the same way one day!

