Tuesday, April 24, 2012

We're Leaving On A Jet Plane

It's true, we are. Just Ella and I!

And oh are we excited!

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a semi-anxious flyer. So you can pray for my nerves if you'd like :). I used to love to fly, but we haven't traveled much in the past 10 years for obvious reasons, so I'm a tad out of the traveling loop.

That's what happens when you spend the better part of the past decade making babies. Well, that and we just haven't been brave enough to board all 8 of us on a plane yet.

Someday, friends. Someday.

So anyway, we are heading out to Portland, Oregon to visit the folks at Nike and participate in the Young Athletes Innovation Summit. They are bringing a group of mama's out there with their oldest child to take part in it. Ella and I are really blessed to be going - it's truly a gift to have this special time with her!

Ella can hardly wait. She's had a list of what she's taking on the plane for a week, and she keeps saying, "Its a trip for just you and I, mom! I can't wait!". She's actually never been on a plane or stayed in a hotel, so she's pretty pumped! She can not believe that there will be a tv in the room where we'll be sleeping, or that we could possibly order room service...aka, pizza :). Not to mention she gets to do some really fun stuff at Nike on Friday.

I'm super excited to do a little exploring around Portland, and because of my love for sports and running, I'm insanely excited to spend some time at the Nike Campus. I am a huge fan of running clothes and cool kicks, have I ever mentioned that? Well, it's true. Embracing my sporty side has never been an issue for me. In fact it is not unusual for me to spend birthday money or gift cards on such gear.

Oh, and check these out, I might have to keep on the look out for some good deals! Kids Nike FREE Run: If your feet flex, shouldn't your shoes flex too? Must-have flexibility for young feet.

We will be arriving there Thursday afternoon and spend the rest of the day navigating our way through the city and hopefully do some site seeing until the summit starts on Friday. Anyone know that area? I would love some tips or suggestions on cool places to visit or what is a must see while we are out there. Please &Thank you!!

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nike via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nike


  1. My 7-yr-old daughter and I will be there too. We can't wait to see what Nike has planned, but most of all, my daughter has been so excited about our "mommy-and-me time" as she likes to put it. Truly a blessing to get time away just the two of us! I look forward to meeting you two!

  2. OH!!! I am so excited for you! Not just for the time away, but that you get to go to Portland! We're from Oregon and lived just down the road from the Nike campus for 7 years before moving to Texas. I miss it SO BAD - I hope you love it there. So, so beautiful. The funny thing is, I can't even think of what to tell you to see! The campus is somewhat out of Portland itself, and I'm not sure where they'll have you stay or what kind of transportation you'll have. There are a ton of parks around there, the Jackson Bottom Wetlands, if you get *in* Portland there are also beautiful parks, neighborhoods, the waterfront, the Japanese Gardens, etc. What I LOVED about Portland (and miss now that we're here) is that there is so much natural beauty that you can do a lot of exploring for free. Oh, my heart aches just thinking about it! :) I hope you have a FANTASTIC time!!

  3. SOOOO very excited for you!! I know when you get back you are gonna be SO glad you went on this fantastic trip with just Ella! Cannot wait to hear all about it!! Enjoy! Truly, what a great opportunity for you two!!

  4. how fun!! have a fun trip and safe flght :)

    i would love to go to portland,sounds great!

  5. Hi I am an OREGONIAN and proud of it. You will be about 40 minutes from my house at Nike in Beaverton.
    I think if you have the time the zoo is nice, the rose gardens are beatiful but not this time of year, there is a childrens museum, the water front is always beautiful, I personally don't like downtown portland and avoid it. I am rural and love it.
    Oh just have fun. It will be a nice weekend no matter what you do. Hope the weather is good the last two days have been 75-80 weekend is supposed to be a bit cooler. If you had the time and the car I would say 'multnomah falls' that is way awesome especially for a little one. take care and be safe.

  6. Thanks for the tips, ladies!! I hear that it is beautiful out there! Shannon, we are excited to meet you guys as well!

  7. You might get some liquid sunshine on Thursday, but the weekend is supposed to be amazing. This is a trip she will always remember. I love that!!

    Have a great time...and welcome to Portland (in advance)! :)

  8. Ralph was just down there for a conference and LOVED Powell Books. It's a HUGE bookstore. My aunt lives there and always takes people to a waterfall park-I'll see if I can get the details for you. Did you know the Downings (well, Jen and the kids) are there right now?

  9. Wonderchris, you live out there?? Awesome!

    Stacie we will have to check that bookstore out! And Jennifer already contacted me :).

  10. That is awesome! Have a great trip!

  11. Kate!!!
    I live in Salem, which is an hour from Portland!!!!

    I wish we could meet up, but I know your time will be packed.

    But welcome to my side of the world!!

    And, I hate, hate, hate flying too, so I'll say a special prayer for you!

  12. How exciting and how special!!! Enjoy every minute of your special time together!

  13. Born and raised! :) Not sure if you will get this before you leave...but this is a pretty cool video of Portland.

    Powell's Books and Voodoo doughnuts featured in the video would be fun sights to see...especially if it is raining. If it isn't raining...anything outside!! :)

  14. Oh my! Sooo ... wish I could come see you. On Saturday we will be just a couple of hours from Portland at a TRACK MEET (you know ... my kids are RUNNERS).

    If you have a car ... Multnomah Falls is beautiful.
    Even better ... Silver Falls State Park (an hour from Portland).

    Downtown Portland ... Powell Books, for sure.

    Dinner Out ... my kids LOVE The Old Spaghetti Factory.

    Hope your weekend is BLESSED!


  15. I switched to free's about 5 years ago and have run exclusively in them and have had significantly less injuries as a result. For that reason I have made sure my daughter has always had a pair of Free's (shes 5 now). I hope she becomes a runner like me and if she does those are the shoes she will run in. Start them early so they don't develop the bad habits we have to work hard to break.
