Monday, April 16, 2012

One Fish, Two Fish (We Threw A Party)

We had a little party over the weekend for Lincolns upcoming 1st birthday (it's not till Thursday). We did a One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish theme - the kiddos loved it!

I may have gone a tad overboard on the decor and goodies considering Lincoln doesn't really know its his birthday. But I know, and isn't the 1st birthday really for the mom anyway? Yes? I agree :).

Not to mention my little ladies had so much fun helping out, they had a blast.

He did great and seemed to enjoy all the festivities and company. I am over the moon for this kiddo, you may have picked up on that at some point over the past 12 months...

I ordered some things off of Etsy and I was thrilled with what I got. It was super cheap and super festive...2 things I thoroughly enjoy...

Of course we had balloons, Lincoln thinks they're hilarious. Although he looks a little afraid here...

We will be eating cupcakes for the rest of the week - no one is complaining...

Yes, you may reach in there and squeeze the party boy...

Another great idea I found online that ended up being price savvy were popcorn party favors. I went to the popcorn place at the mall and bought an embarrassing amount of red, blue, and yellow popcorn. Another thing that the kids thought were fantastic...

So that's a small glimpse of what we were up to in this neck of the woods. Can not believe that child will be 1 on Thursday. Is it ok if I talk about him a lot this week? Yes? Thanks.

Love him :).

Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. I cannot believe it's been a year! He's SOOOO precious! Love the theme too!

  2. Oh my word, where did your little baby boy go, cuz all I saw in this post was a handsome little man!!

    Can't believe he's almost one!!

    PS the theme was fantastic!!

  3. oh my word,when did he turn into a little boy!?!? adorableness!!

    what a great theme for a 1st bday :)

    happy almost birthday,lincoln!

  4. OH MY! He is just so adorable! And he looks so much like Eric in these pictures! CANNOT believe that little guy is 1 this week!! What a precious gift he is to your family!

  5. Happy 1st birthday to Lincoln! How time flies--he looks so adorable in his big boy collared shirt. :)

  6. Gorgeous party! I love it. So much fun. Happy birthday to a special little guy.

  7. Time flys!

    He's looking so big.

    And I'm amazed that I'm still saying HE.

  8. He looks so grown up in those pictures! what a sweet boy and birthday celebration!

  9. When, exactly, did he grow up? Wow!

    Looks like a fun birthday celebration ... even if he didn't know it was his birthday ... or what a birthday is, for that matter.

    Hope you all are doing well. I've gotten a bit behind on my blog reading, as I'm busy with 5 kids in spring sports.

    :) :) :)

  10. Aww, Happy Birthday to your big boy... can't believe he's one already! Love the theme you went with- cute and fun. :)

  11. Oh my! A year already!!! Soooo crazy! Love his party theme.
