Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our First...

Ice cream cone...

of the...


Kinley made a bit of a mess...

Sitting outside in the sunshine eating ice cream means Spring and Summer are one the way, right!?


  1. Oh yes! Spring has already sprung here in Florida.

    Time for pools, bathing suits, beach and ice cream. Well, ice cream is consumed year round for us. :)

  2. My favorite local ice cream place opened would have been a perfect day, but I had sickos!

    Love (and a bit jealous) that you got to have them yesterday!!

  3. Oh, goodness, what a doll!! Kinley is so precious and sweet!!

    Send some warm weather my way, will ya? We're having SNOW. Yes. Snow. And rain. And clouds.

    And I'm ready for summer to come. We had 1 day of warm sunshine a few weeks ago and the kids and I basked in every second of it. I even let them stay home from school to run around shirtless (well, the boys anyway) and Kate and I painted our nails.

    It was pure bliss. Heaven, I tell you.

  4. What a sweetie!!!! So excited spring is here!!!

  5. Super Cute!

    It is so NOT spring yet, in the Pacific NW.
