Monday, January 23, 2012

I'd Like To Do This...

for as many years as possible...

(a few of you already heard me say this on facebook :))

I'm sure so many of you feel the same, right?


  1. Ahh, it's wonderful. I used my carrier on the oldest until I was pregnant with my youngest.

    I'm guessing around the time my youngest is outgrowing it I'll be ready for #3 ;).

  2. The only time my little boy will sleep on me is after he nurses in the middle of the night. It is one of the reasons I don't mind that (at 9 months) he still gets up to nurse 2-3 times. :)

  3. Love it, cuddle time is the best. In the quiet listening to their beating hearts and warm soft skin next to yours, only a mother can know that precious feeling.

  4. Yes!!! Love that carrier! It's made all the difference for us! Awesome!

  5. I love my Beco! We took the kids to the park yesterday, since it was over 60 degrees. (Crazy, for January!) I got to carry and snuggle Zach in the Beco to my heart's content! (Until his major blow-out totally soaked the carrier, through to my shirt. Of course I didn't have a new one.)
