Tuesday, December 20, 2011

As Seen In Our House Yesterday...

Not the most perfect buckeyes, but the Littles worked pretty hard on them :).

Happy Tuesday!


  1. YUM! who cares what they look like-it's what they taste like that matters :)

  2. Mmm! I can almost taste them! They look just like my grandma's! Can I come to your house for breakfast?

  3. My Granny made buckeyes when we would come to visit, and I loved them! Unfortunately, she died several years ago. I guess I need to learn to make them myself.

  4. I saw that post on FB and wondered what buckeyes were! They sound delicious!! Ella is a smart woman for saying to double the batch!

  5. I saved this in my reader b/c I wanted to make them sooooo badly.

    Then, I found out today I have gestational diabetes. BOOOO.

    You BETTER BELIEVE in March when this little girls gets here, I'm gonna be making me some Buckeyes.
