lots of gifts were opened...
even more Christmas goodies were consumed :)...
tons of memories...
5 girlie's that love their new toys...
1 little guy that is crawling...
but only backwards...
I thinks it's because he is so used to backing up from all these women :)...
we got Netflix as a gift and I keep wondering why NO ONE told me how great it is!?
our house has been filled with giggling kiddos...
and our overflowing shoe basket is going beyond the call of duty...
the long weekend went to fast...
I loooove having holiday family time...
and having my hubby home...
and opening little gifts that the girls have wrapped...
I'm looking for someone who wants to hit Targets holiday 75% off sale with me...
the girls have been playing Twister and they think it is hilarious...
I'm wishing it would snow instead of rain...
and a certain little man got some Lincoln Logs this year...
Although dad and his little girls have been the ones playing with them for now :).
Pretty random, eh? You'll have to excuse me while I try to get back to forming complete thoughts after a long, relaxing weekend. I hope you all had a great Christmas!