Friday, November 4, 2011

Yep, I Sure Do...

have my hands full.

Full of love...

full of joy...

full of crumbs on the floor...

full of crazy...

full of endless loads of laundry...

and full of beauty...

Full of laughter...

full of wonderful...

full of discipline issues...

full of time outs...

full of sweetness...

and full of afternoon talks on our ancient swing set...

Full of savvy goodness...

full of moments I'm not proud of...

full of memories...

full of mommy doubt...

full of chaos...

and full of curls...

Full of hugs...

full of kisses...

full of good days and bad days...

full of 2nd chances...

full of running around the back yard...

and full of wonder...

They're full of reminders of His grace.

Full of blessings that I don't deserve.

And full of reasons why I pull myself out of bed some mornings.

Children are a blessing.

Love that rambunctious handful that He dealt me :).


  1. what a wonderful post! 6 beautiful blessings! i love the curly blonde hair, just like goldilock :)

  2. I love your post! I want to hang it on my wall - it mirrors my feelings so closely.

  3. So sweet, Might have to steal this idea for a post of my own. I'm defineitly super jealous that you have your hands full of those curls. We thought we were going to have curly redheads, but the curls disappeared!

  4. It's so great to have "your hands full" with such precious gifts! As usual, great pics of the the swingset one!

  5. I sure wouldn't want my hands empty! The fuller the better. =) I LOVE my crew, and we're almost caught up to you! (We won't ever have those curls though. I'm a tad jealous...)

  6. I love this so much. Great photos. So very true.
