Thursday, November 10, 2011

We've Been Busy...

jumping on the trampoline...

eating halloween candy...

(well, not as much them as me on the above)

(please, someone, COME GET THE CANDY)

editing pictures...

And editing more pictures. The one below is actually of one of my favorite women on the planet, she is like a sister to me, she's seen it all...

We've been busy playing hide & go seek...

playing doll house...

playing Simon Says...

and "playing" Jenga...

We've been busy staying in our pj's till lunchtime...

reading books with our SO eager-to-learn-to-read 5yr olds...

and baking lot's of homemade bread...

We've been downloading Christmas music...

drinking hot chocolate...

and getting out some of our decorations...

We've been busy wearing our fleece coats...

trying out our snow boots from last year...

and eating chicken noodle soup on chilly nights...

We've been busy, but the good kind of busy :).

Hope you all are having a great week!


  1. Sounds wonderful, and relaxing. I love your happy little home and what wonderful memories you are creating just by letting it happen in a relaxed way. good job mom!

  2. Great pictures!! I'm impressed with the homemade bread. Was it hard?

  3. Nope, not hard at all! I'll post the recipe soon.

  4. Woo-hoo for busy, fun times (and no sickness!). LOVE the Christmas decor already and homemade bread--so impressive! Have a great weekend!

  5. Looks like homemade chicken noodle soup, too! And the bread? Wow! I would love to pop in for a mug of hot chocolate in your cozy home. My brood and I have been busy drinking hot chocolate too. =)
