Friday, September 16, 2011

Swingin' Sweetness

Lincoln may be a little small for the swing still, even with that big ol' blanket shoved in there...

But it was a beautiful day, and the cool breeze was blowing...

and I think he actually found it quite relaxing...

You can't really blame him - it must be exhausting holding up those chubby little cheeks all day :).

Love that sweet babe.

Happy Friday!


  1. Fun! He looks like he enjoyed it :)

  2. There aren't enough words to describe how ridiculously cute he is! Those cheeks are perfect!

  3. I love it. Soooo very sweet.

  4. He is SO cute, Kate! I took my little guy out today too, just to get a little sun on his jaundiced skin. I thought of you too, since I was running an errand at Target. LOL! I think that I will never, never go to Target again without thinking of you and your brood. =)

  5. AAAHHHHH!!! I want one! A baby, that is. :-D

    What a cutie pie; I love his hoodie. So sweet!

  6. AHHH! I love this!! He is PRECIOUS!
