Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's Official...

I'm a soccer mom.

Times three.

It's a tad busy with all the older ones playing, but they love it, and eventually we'll have 6 (or more) involved in something so we might as well get used to the busyness!

I grew up in sports so I love watching them play and cheering them on...

and apparently I am that mom who always has her camera out on the sideline...

And I could go on and on...and on and on and on about how it melts my heart when they wave to me from the field. It's almost like they're saying, "aren't you SO proud of me!?" Makes my heart smile :)...

So thankful for those sweet savvies. Love, love, love my little women :).


I'm potty training Kinley and Raya at the moment so things have been a little...well...interesting around here.

We're on day 2 and I'm starting to feel like I haven't seen outside of the bathroom in 48 hours.

Pray, fast, send chocolate. Whatever you fancy.

Till later!


  1. Ok, that last picture so has the "aren't you proud of me mommy?" look! it's adorable!

    good luck with pottytraining! I worked at a daycare all through highschool and college and the first couple days of pottytraining was never fun :( especially when you have more kids around! if I had any chocolate left I would send it to you-but being a chocoholic-there's never any leftover!

  2. Ahhh, potty training times two HAS to be fun! ;) Hopefully they catch on quickly!

  3. well, with 6 kiddos "soccer mom" was bound to happen eventually!

    Cute pics!

  4. good luck potty training!! I bet they will get it fast. Love the soccer pics.

  5. How fun about soccer. Good luck with the potty training. I can not even imagine. Hopefully they will catch on.
