Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Oh Girls...

my sweet girls, my 1st set of twins, my Giggle Box, and my Cindy Lou Who.

Tell me little ladies, where has the time gone?

You two keep me busy, that's for sure. With all your mischievous giggling and your funny questions - like the other day when Reese asked, "Geez...how come God put YOU in charge??"

(That's a valid question, by the way.)

Just the other day at the doctors, you pointed at the door on the way out and said, "Look! E-X-I-T, Exit!" As I shuffled around looking for my keys and organizing prescriptions, I looked down and thought, "they are growing so fast!" I watched you take each others hand as we walked to the car, and I had a Mommy Moment.

(You know the ones. Those sweet moments.)

(Those make you forget about your mommys-about-to-lose-it moments, don't they?)

I remember when you started 3yr old preschool...

and then 4yr old preschool...

and now you go to the same school with your big sister...

you're in Kindergarten!

I can't believe it. Luckily you only go a couple days a week, that makes this mama's heart happy.

Now hop in there you smart little loves! Take all your sassiness, humor, and love through those doors and have fun! Make a lot of friends, but stay close together, that's the way you were meant to be. God sent you as a pair, and now off you go to Kindergarten as a pair - embrace that twin connection, it's a gift :).

I love, love, love you, babes. Can't wait to hear all about your exciting school days!


  1. Awww! This was so sweet! The picture of the three of your girls is a wonderful photo. You captured the sweet essence perfectly.

  2. Ah, now I'm crying for your twins heading to kindergarten! Why must these babes make me cry so much!?! Hope your girls have an awesome time at school! Those big sisters (one here too!) on the look-out are complete gems!

  3. awww!! fantastic pictures of them, by the way.

    hope they had a great first day!

  4. Those moments just keep coming with twins...my boys are second graders and when I woke them this morning they were snuggled together in one bed.

  5. You girls are going to love looking back at these posts one day, Kate! They've grown SO much!

  6. Oh, that was so sweet! They do grow up too quickly!

  7. Where does the time go?!
    Love the progression of the photos.

    Sweet girls...

  8. I wish Cara had a twin....maybe school would be easier for her! Ha!! Just kidding. Can't believe how they are growing up. They look adorable. Glad they had a great day.

  9. They are so sweet. I love the progression pictures in this post and the one you did for your oldest. You are my favorite blog to follow. I like your pictures, honesty in parenting, love of your kiddos, and seeking after God. Gabe starts school next Tuesday. I really, REALLY don't understand where the years went.

  10. They are adorable and very precious our own 'twins grand daughters' are now in second grade and yes time does fly ever so quickly. Enjoy your moments even though they seem busy at times it is a precious part of your life you will miss some day.

  11. Oh my goodness. Sooo sweet.
