Friday, August 19, 2011

Ode To Summer

Sometimes when I can't form a real thought, I write a poem. Strange, you say? Alright, maybe a little...

Its that time again,
oh yes, it is true.
Summer is now ending,
the days left are just a few.

We've played at the pool,
day in and day out.
You kiddos swam and swam,
it was a place to scream and shout.

You always brought your goggles,
even though sometimes they would leak.
And when you'd have enough of that,
you'd play hide 'n seek.

We hung out with friends,
both old ones and new.
They laughed at our crazy group,
and called me "The Woman In The Shoe".

Last Summer was so different,
and I can't help but think.
That's when God said, "let's add more",
and He gave us little Linc.

You kiddos are a gift,
this Summer's been a blast.
I just wish we could have a few more weeks, 
because it went by way to fast!


  1. I love this Kate. Amazing! You are such an awesome writer.

  2. love this!

    you have one beautifully blessed family! :)

    God is great!

  3. They're all adorable...but little Lincoln takes the cake!

  4. How funny that I never realized you had 6 kids. Ha ha about the woman in a shoe. It is funny, 2 months ago we went from 4-6 kids. i thought I got alot of comments about 4 but man 6 is asking for comments

  5. That is so cute, humor will help you survive the years ahead of you. I always responded to our children in a humoruous way just to take the edge off, unless I was really pushed to my limit then I could be a bit crabby.

  6. Oh Kate,
    I just couldn't wait
    to tell you how creative you are
    up high is where you set the bar
    enjoy a lovely weekend
    as to those lovely children you tend.

  7. What a cute poem! And that last picture is just too cute...I love those little baby rolls :)

  8. I love it! Looks like you and kids had a blast this summer! :)
    ~ Kristin

  9. Love this! your kiddos are getting so big & beautiful... and you are looking fantastic as well! :)
