Tuesday, July 5, 2011


to be you...

free to live your life..

free to be that crazy family...

free to love the people who love you...

and free to set off some fireworks...

free to eat what you want...

free to not care what others think...

free to laugh till you cry...

free to love on your friends and family...

free to embrace the life He's given you...

and free to just relax...

free to love that squeezable little boy and his 5 sweet sisters...

free to talk about what God's doing in your life at a cookout...

free to accept the things you can't change...

and free to sit back and just be...

Our busy little family had a great 4th packed full of things to be thankful for :).

Hope you all had a great looonnng weekend!


  1. Love the photo of your "little man". Too cute.
    We had a nice long weekend that needed another day to recover with. Today is going to be a LONG day.

  2. Ha! We feel the SAME way...today is a long-weekend-detox-day!

  3. So glad you did!! I don't expect anything less from the wonderful Savvy Mom named Kate.

    My eyes were a bit swollen this morning!!-- Detox day it is!

  4. Oh my goodness!! I love these. I love that you all had a great weekend.

  5. Oh, look how cute your little Lincoln is! :) Just popping in to say "Hello"! It's been such a long time since I've checked in with my bloggy friends!!! (Too long...) Hope you are enjoying your summer. Take care!
