Tuesday, June 7, 2011

They Wear Many Hats

my handful...

my crew...

my giggle boxes...

my "clean up in aisle 3" offenders...

my entourage...

my reason for saying "don't-make-me-come-up-there"...

my Target shopping partners...

my group that flushes un-flushable things down the toilet...

my gifts...

my reason for sometimes wanting to pull my hair out...

my cuddle bugs...

my joy...

my hardest job...

my wake up call...

my "color on the wall" crew...

my deep breath...

my grace personified...

my sanity...

my sidekicks...

my loves.

Sigh...they're a busy, but wonderful little bunch :).


  1. love it... and so true! They are more of everything!


  2. Raya looks so much younger with not as much hair. ** They are so beautiful! Love the picture! :) Kids are work, but so worth it!!!

  3. You mean *your* house doesn't look like something out of "Better Homes and Gardens" either? I love you even more now!

    The picture of your girls with Lincoln is just precious. Thank you for sharing so much of your sweet family with us!

  4. Oh my word, that picture is to absolutely die for!!
    I dont know how you do it, I cant get the two of mine to sit still for a pic!

  5. What a precious, precious picture! Hope you are all doing well--sorry we didn't get to meet up while I was in town!

  6. I LOVE that picture! Way too cute! You have most definitely got to get that framed :)

  7. The picture is precious! :) What a beautiful family!

  8. SO cute!
    I love posts like this!
    Have a great day

  9. THAT PICTURE!!! Oh my word. You need to blow it up and hang it on your wall. It is so precious!!!

    Such good reminders and such a good attitude and refreshing spirit. =)

  10. One of your most beautiful pics ever! Love it! Precious, precious gifts!

  11. Love that picture, Kate:) Your family is so special and adorable!

  12. The prince and his ladies-in-waiting. Definately frame it!!!

  13. Love this pic! Great job! They really don't look like that many when they're all sitting still like that. ;0)

  14. I love this. Such a sweet photo.

  15. LOOOOOOVE this picture! I can't believe how big the girls are getting!!!

  16. Yes... that picture..... perfection. You know, I look at your brood and think my what a lot of children... and then of course realise I have the same number :)

    They are so beautiful :)

  17. What an adorable photo!

    Isn't it crazy that the ones that drive us nuts the most are also the ones we could never live without.

  18. I love, love, LOVE that picture of all 6. Absolutely precious! :)
