Thursday, June 2, 2011

Six Week Sweetness...

I can not believe my little man is 6 weeks old!

Goodness, the weeks have flown by. Here's a little Lincoln sweetness for your viewing pleasure :)...

(Raya adds a little extra sweetness with her "hey buddy!")

(and yes I realize I may be the only one who thinks this is SO cute...)

(apparently I have turned into that mom who will show complete strangers videos of her kids in the grocery check out line)

Untitled from Kate on Vimeo.

Oh I love that little boy and Raya's little voice.

We're all officially in countdown to summer mode - it's so close I can smell it. I just want to get up in the morning, pour some coffee, pack our goggles, and head to the pool with my 6 little loves...

(yes, it will be a little chaotic)

(yes, I might have gray hair by August)

(and yes, I am crazy)

But crazy can be fun, right?

Well, we're off for the day...I think the fountains have our name written all over them :).

Happy Thursday, friends!


  1. 6 weeks already? holy cow it's flying by! and he is absolutely adorable :)

  2. Eeek, you have a sweet baby boy!! I still just get giddy about it. He is so cute and such a sweetie!! Love sweet Raya's voice. He is going to think his name is Buddy. ;)

    Thanks for posting the video! Have a great day!

  3. That video IS cute! :)
    I love when the siblings LOVE the baby. Mine just can not get enough of Macy. Like...I have to protect her...often! :)
    It is raining here! I am jealous you are even at the sprinklers, let alone soon a pool! :) I know...It (Summer)will one day be here too. :)
    Hope its a good one~Jen

  4. SO CUTE!!! Love this!! Thank you for sharing. Raya's voice is just so sweet.
