Wednesday, June 15, 2011

(My Men)

love, love, love...


  1. PS, my son is, as we speak, wearing the exact same pajamas Lincoln is wearing in the side picture, just "a few" sizes bigger! ;)

  2. precious!

    p.s. I miss you! it's crazy busy here as I'm sure is the same for you... but I miss our interaction, even if just through the blog & fb! :)

  3. These Kodak moments are the best!!

  4. Love it. Exact same happened when we thought we were done at 2 kids. A horrible 3rd miscarriage July 3 2008. I just knew after that loss we weren't done...and guess what Noely's due date ended up being.....July 3 2009. It is weird. And if we hadn't lost the ones we lost we wouldn't have the children we are no blessed with today. <3 I am right there with you...although I don't think any more are in our future ;-)

    --Laura Oliver
