Monday, May 2, 2011

A Little Sweetness For Your Monday

Our house has been semi taken over by germs this weekend. C-section recovery was fun, but strep throat and the flu have given me a swift kick back in to full-time-mom-mode. Lincoln and I haven't caught anything so far, knock on wood...please pray that we don't!

I'm having trouble forming a full thought cause this weekend has kind of wiped me out, but I did make time to get a little video of the babe and thought I'd share some Lincoln sweetness with the rest of ya :)...

lincoln from Kate on Vimeo.

Those little sneezes...and his little noises...isn't he just the cutest!?


I'm partial, I know :).

Hope you all had a great weekend!!


  1. Awww thanks for sharing Kate, I needed a change of topic tonight and this was just perfect!

  2. Awwww so very adorable!! Thanks for sharing :o)

  3. awww! I don't know, I don't have a reason to be partial and he is awfully cute :)

  4. Ohh the cute little baby sneezes! He is so cute. Hope you all feel better soon!

  5. Oh that was just wonderful. Thank you for sharing this video with me. Helps me to feel excited about the next one on the way and not so nervous. Prayers your way!

  6. Oh my gosh! We had strep and the flu too!! How weird and odd.

    I am praying you and Lincoln stay healthy and that your girls recover quickly!!

    Ohhhhh, the cute factor is THROUGH THE ROOF!!!!!!!!

  7. What a cute baby! Thank you for this video as it reminds me of what I'm going to have soon, although it may be a girl and not a boy.

  8. So precious! I started reading your blog with the "dear target" letter... I still am laughing about it by the way!

    Your little boy is just adorable and I love his multiple sneezes!

  9. Awww. So sweet.
