Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This, That, And The Other Thang

Oh I am way behind...

on blogging...

on reading...

on even opening my laptop...

on cleaning...

and on sleeping.

I'll sit down at my computer, but then just end up looking at the screen with a blank stare. Anyone else have this condition?? No? It's just the pregnant lady? Shoot.

I'm just really tired lately - the boy and I are up a good portion of the night tossing and turning. Maybe he's just preparing me for next month :). At least then I can smell his sweet newborn smell and listen to all his newborn noises.

We have almost completed the nursery, I'll definitely share pictures when it's done. I promise :).

I feel quiet, nervous, content, anxious, excited, worried, and humbled - all at the same time. Maybe all those emotions are whats making me so tired...combined with the hormones, of course.

I have been sitting with the girls and hanging out, playing games, and working with Kinley and Raya on their counting. I just had to share this video of Kinley's sweet little 2yr old voice and little facial expressions...

Untitled from Kate on Vimeo.

She's like the real life Cindy Lou Who, isn't she?

So anyway, the girls are on Spring Break this week and we are going to do some fun things together. We're off to the Aquarium today, my ladies couldn't be more excited!

(here's hoping I don't go into labor in the middle of the penguin exhibit)

(or the shark exhibit for that matter)

Happy Tuesday, friends!


  1. I'm sorry about the sleepless nights! They are truly no fun, but I think they are good prep for that first month! Have a wonderful spring break with your little sweeties! Going into labor at an aquarium would make for one great story! :)

  2. So sorry for all the sleepless nights and being so tired. I can't wait to "meet" him though!!

  3. Sleepless nights are NO FUN! But I can't wait to see pictures of his nursery! And to see pictures of him for that matter :)

    I've got my fingers crossed he waits until you're home from the aquarium to make his debut...though it would make a pretty funny story!

  4. Praying you get some rest... can't believe it's so close to meeting your little man! so exciting!! by the way, I'm behind on everything too, except I don't have nearly as many excuses as you :)

  5. Oh sweet Kinley - when she says six...I think my heart melted.


  6. Hi Kate,
    Just wanted to say I'm a new follower and loving your blog already! I'm a mama to 2 little angels with #3 on the way. I'm working my way towards the big family that I've always wanted and love to read about 'mamas of many' and how you do it! Your 'I just do the next thing' is quite possibly my favourite response I've ever heard.

    All the best with the arrival of your little boy!!

  7. So awesome!! Enjoy your Spring Break with the girls. Hope you are able to get some rest soon.
