Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Baby Boy Belly Bump

32 weeks, my friends.

I can't believe it! I just want to see this little guy and kiss his sweet face. Siigghh...

I believe that is about 4 or so pounds of baby boy...

And 19 pounds of...hmmm...let me think...

Oh that's right, it's all that homemade chocolate swirled banana bread that the girls and I have been making. I will be posting that amazing recipe a little later. You might want to let your bananas brown a bit because you're going to want to make a loaf.

Just for fun, here I am in that same shirt at 20 weeks...

My oh my, how he's grown :).

(alright, and maybe I've grown a bit too.)

I am so anxious to have him here safe, he's got a whole lot of love waiting for him!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. You look super cute! I have no idea what you're talking about...19 pounds? I see only four. :)

  2. I'm always eager to get a new banana bread recipe so post it soon. I have lots of bananas here that need to be used up.
    Excited to meet the little guy soon!

  3. So excited for you! My little guy is only 3 months & I'm still jealous! I just LOVE pregnancy & babies!

  4. I can't WAIT until I can take pics like that. "Old Lady" pregnancy pics ... should be a hit!

    LOVE banana bread, and LOVE your recipes. Can't wait!

    Hope your week is BLESSED


  5. you seriously look fab! i feel like you look so small for 32 weeks. maybe cause i'm just used to seeing you w/a twin belly? either way, you look great and i have no doubt he will be amazingly cute!!!

  6. I LOVE baby boy belly bumps :) And I don't think you've gained that much weight...at least if you have you can't tell by looking at the pictures so eat another piece of chocolate :)

  7. You look amazing!!! That baby boy is going to be/is SOO loved!!

  8. I can't wait to meet that little guy making your belly grow! Love seeing the comparisons between 20 and 32 weeks. You look great!

  9. Love that belly and the banana bread recipe. It should be illegal!

  10. You look amazing. Cute photo.

  11. Your adorable.. and if It makes you feel any better I was triple that size with my first. He was a 10 pounder.. you are very tiny =)

  12. You look so great! Amazing that you are already in your 3rd trimester. And love banana bread!!! Yummy!

  13. I had to laugh at this. I'm 33 1/2 weeks and expecting a little boy too. I can't wait to fit into my old clothes again....BUT I REALLY cannot wait to meet this little guy! :) Love your blog! Blessings!

  14. I love your beautiful bump! I just suddenly miss being pregnant. I can still remember that time when I've had a bigger tummy than yours! And when I gave birth to Max, there my belly fat was still there. My classmate from college told me about this tummy tuck thing. Hope it works!!
