Monday, February 21, 2011

We Caught A Glimpse...

Of that sweet Spring air this past weekend...

 And now the girls are hooked to say the very least...

We ate outside, went to the park, and played with dad...

We even had a cookout with friends last night as that warm air turned back into a chilly breeze...and for the record, this pregnant lady had forgotten how much she loves a good cookout :).

I just don't have the heart to my little ladies that it's supposed to snow tomorrow. How on earth can we go from 60 degrees to 25 degrees!? Why did I have my flip flops on on Friday, and my gloves out today??

C'mon, Spring - we need you here, to stay :).

Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. We've had some sunshine this week, but it's still a chilly 34 degrees. We did, however, take the kids to the park 2 days in a row ... to enjoy the sunshine.

    We are supposed to get snow this week, as well. Haven't had much this winter, so we would be excited for a snow day or two.

    Glad you enjoyed a glimpse of spring.

    Laurel :)

  2. I agree! We had all of the windows and doors open here Friday & Saturday and we even walked to church yesterday morning, but I had to blast the heat in my car on the way to work this morning :( I can't WAIT for spring weather to get here and stay :)

  3. The glimpse of spring was amazing! We were outside a ton and it made us all so excited for the warmer weather to stay! Crazy how much the weather can lift your spirits. Fresh air sure does a world of good for everyone. Looks like you all had a fun few days!

  4. How fun! Wonderful photos!

  5. Those pictures are adorable. SO cute. I am glad you had fun. Little kids just love getting out and playing, take care

  6. As much as I am myself a colder weather gal. I'm ready to get the kids out of the house as well. I've made attempts but here are days it's just too chilly to do so =( It doesn't snow in Sac where I am so 29 is Freezing to us! Good thing spring is coming early =)

  7. This weather is crazy! I hope the warmer temps come back soon, too. Love the pic of the girls running in the backyard! :)

  8. No where near, we got 15 inches of snow here. I love the pics of the kids.
