Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm Kinda Like My 90yr Old Grandma, Only I'm 29...

Although in 3 short weeks I will be turning 30, my friends...we'll cross that bridge when we get there, k?

Yesterday Ella said, "Mom, you're asleep...again."

And I said, "No I'm not, I'm just resting my eyes."

To which she answered, "Then why were you snoring??"

Mercy, nothing gets past them these days.

All of the sudden I realized, I'm Grandma Jean. She used to, and still does, fall asleep when we watched movies when we were younger - and let's not forget she was asleep on the couch while we opened gifts on Christmas. Bless her heart, there's just no amount of action that can keep her awake.

And now, I am her. The legacy continues.

(not to mention the uncanny resemblance of bladder control problems that I mentioned last week)

(and the fact that we could share muumuus)

(oh and how I now stand and talk to a friend about pelvic pain like I did last night)

I thought yesterday when I took the girls to the park to burn off some steam, that I was doing myself a favor by wearing them out...

That I would get so much done in the afternoon because they would be so tired from all that fresh air and running wild...

But the end result was Grandma Kate asleep on the couch, all tuckered out from her big trip to the park. She played so hard.


It's no secret now, my energy is not what it was, 30+ weeks is kicking my behind, and my actions now resemble a little old lady that dyes her white hair brown and eats dinner at 3pm.

Tell me I'm not the only mama who is falling asleep come 2 o'clock :).

So before I fall asleep again, I'm going to throw a load of laundry in and finish the dishes. I SO appreciate all your input on the nursery, I loved all the ideas!


  1. I feel ya Kate! I'm about a week away from the 3rd trimester and I'm STILL waiting for the 2nd trimester energy surge....I've never felt so tired before. Congrats on the up coming B-day. I turned 35 this month - the 30's haven't been too bad!

  2. HA! I can understand :( They keep telling me that I should get my energy back any day now and I'm still waiting.

    But it's a long standing joke with one of the families we babysit for that I will fall asleep on the couch and the kids will wake me up when the movie is over and it's time to go to bed. Luckily the kids are almost 11 and almost 8 so I can totally get away with it :)

  3. You're not alone :D These days I'm pretty much sleeping and sitting and waiting to have a baby. And that is all :)

  4. You are definitely not alone. I still am not sure how you do it all!

  5. Maybe its our age! ;)
    I'm not pregnant, but I need me my sleep!

  6. Um, nope. You're definitely not alone! I'm taking a 3:00 snooze right along with you. Especially when I try to read to the kids...

  7. I don't have kids nor am I pregnant, and dinner at 3:00 sounds nice. LOL.

    Love the park pics!!

  8. Funny stuff! Rest much as you can with 5 kids! :) So great that the weather's been so beautiful....we got out to the park too yesterday. Such a nice glimpse of spring!

  9. Your too funny. I've had that same conversation with mine. Only it's during reading and my son is reading me to sleep he says why are you sleeping and I too say, I was just resting my eyes. I had to laugh at that one:)

  10. LOL ok Kate your bladder control problems these days are justified, not from old age.. you crack me up!

    But the snoring, I'm with you there.. nothing gets past my kids either .. too funny!

  11. Give yourself a break dear, you are doing a huge task taking care of 5 little busy ones and also caring for a new 'wee' one not here yet. Your body is screaming for rest. Also the older you get it is harder on your body. REST whenever you can. It is Ok. Give yourself permission.

  12. You should feel honored to be like Grandma Jean--that woman is hilarious! I actually hope you're JUST like her when we get older. We'll have a ball! :)

    Glad you and the ladies got to enjoy the park on such a beautiful days! Great pics!

  13. Ha! I feel for you Kate! I remember those days so well!
