Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dare I Say...

...that I think we're on the mend...

...that we still have the junk, but it's getting better...

...that no one has thrown up in public since Tuesday...

...that the fevers have dropped a bit, and my little ladies are sleeping much better at night...

...that I think my head is finally clearing...

...that I can smell and taste once again...

(emphasis on taste again)

(taking a pregnant lady's ability to taste away is just no good)

(can I get an amen)

...that I don't need to go back to the store for more disinfectant...

...that we might just finally outrun these germs???

Phew, I think I can say all that.

So, for now I'm off to bed because this mama is oh so tired...I can hardly think straight :).

Be back soon, soon, soon!!

Hope you all are having a great week, I really appreciated all your "get well" wishes!!


  1. Such a sweet pic! I just wanna kiss those pink little cheeks better!

  2. Aww, so sorry I didn't realize you were all sick... :( Prayers you're all better very soon. Nothing to do but snuggle and rest... Take care!

  3. Hope you all continue to feel better. Sweet photo.

  4. So glad you are all on the mend! Target and Chick-Fil-A will seem all the more sweet next week! Hang in there!

  5. Look at that little snuggle-bug! So sweet!

  6. Woohoo! Healthy babies are so much more fun than sick ones :)

    (and I can't even imagine not being able to taste while pregnant! you poor thing! now that your taste buds are back working you should totally go spoil yourself with some yummy food!)

  7. So glad to hear you all are on the mend! Praying...yet still......

  8. So sorry to hear you all have been sick again...hope everyone is getting stronger and healthier.

  9. oh I hope you're all on the mend!


  10. Oh Kate how I love your humor!! You always make me laugh..."no one has thrown up in public since Tuesday"-SO FUNNY!! Would you have ever thought years ago that you would be thinking that as a mark of a good day?! Oh sister I appreciate you...unfortunately I think I have the crud now...ugh...

  11. so glad you are all feeling better.... I have a baaaaaad cold and am dreading everyone sharing the joy :(

  12. Glad to hear you are back on the mend. So sorry you all are sick again. We are just getting over "ick" here at our house too. Take care of you and those sweet babes!

  13. Oy vey, we've been sick here too. And I think we are finally on the mend also. I'm the only one that still seems to have a cold. :{ Glad to hear you are all feeling better.
