Monday, December 27, 2010

Good, Good Times...

lots of gifts opened...

even more food consumed...

1 birthday cake for Jesus...

5 little girls who had more excitement than they knew what to do with...

lot's of family time...

ton's of laughs...

1 mama who is not ready for dad's 3 day weekend to be over...

same mama wishing he could be off just a few more days...

more fun with friends and family coming this week...

1 check up this morning for the baby boy...

can't wait to hear that little heartbeat...

could wait to get on the scale after I ate too much yummy food this past week :).

Hope you all had a great Christmas! Who's ready to hit the 75% off sales at Target with me :)??


  1. Yes, good times, indeed! :)

  2. On one hand it does seem to go by a little too quickly, but on the other hand I'll be relieved when it's over (we still have one more Christmas celebration this week). We had a lot going on this year so I think I was more stressed than usual. Glad to hear you guys had a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the baby checkup. :)

  3. baby boy probably loved the Christmas Yumminess you shared with him. Hope your last week of 2010 is a blessed one!

  4. Sounds like a fabulous, busy Christmas!

    (Isn't it crazy to think that next year, we'll both have new little ones in the pictures?!)

  5. Sounds like a great day. Pretty photo. So glad you all had a good Christmas!
