Monday, November 29, 2010


tomorrow, we find out, tomorrow,

we're only a day a-waaaay.

Tooo-morrow, tomorrow...

Alright I'll stop.

Is it a boy or a girl, friends??

Truth be told, I couldn't care less. I loovvee having little girls, but a boy would surely shake things up around here, wouldn't he? :)

I just want to see that sweet little heart beating away, that's all I really care about. I have a really good guess at what it is from past ultrasounds, but we'll see tomorrow for sure!

I would love any prayers for a healthy ultrasound - they would be greatly appreciated :).

So, boy or girl? Oh I can't wait!


  1. I just came to comment about how I'm soooo excited for you about tomorrow!! I've been excited all week!! Hopefully the little one isn't camera shy!!!

  2. How exciting! Lots of healthy baby prayers coming your way:) I am always a mixed bag of emotions prior to every ultrasound--worried, excited...

    Can't wait to hear the news!

  3. Praying everything goes well! I have a feeling it's a BOY!

  4. I can't wait!!! :)

    Sending prayers for super healthy baby, and hopefully a good pic too! :D

  5. Praying for a healthy baby. I say boy! :D I can't wait to hear the news!

  6. I have a feeling it's a boy as well...Cant wait to hear what it is!

  7. Best wishes for the ultrasound, looking forward to reading about it :o)

  8. Im sticking with boy!
    Praying for a healthy baby either way...but wouldnt that be a kick...cant wait to hear!!
