Monday, November 22, 2010

This, That, And The Other Thing...

I'm kinda excited it's Monday because we have a short week of school and work - oh, and Thanksgiving is on Thursday!

I love the holidays. Like, a lot.

We had a full, but fun weekend. We took part in Operation Christmas Child at our church, and it was so great! It was amazing to see how many little boxes God brought into that church for so many sweet kids across the globe. I can't even tell you what a blessing it was to be a part of.

My baby bump is really starting to pop, and my appetite is back. So hide all the cake.

(And all the White Chocolate Covered Pretzels from Trader Joes.)

(And maybe the Candy Cane Hershey Kisses as well.)


Only 8 days till our big 20 week ultrasound!

We took the girls out for some pictures. Just a casual setting, I didn't think I could handle all those tights if I went with a more dressy theme :). They did great, these girls bless my heart day after day...

Have I ever mentioned that I like being behind the camera, and not in front of the camera?? Well, it's not my favorite thing to do, but I guess we all have to put our quarks aside for a good 'ol family picture, right?? :)

That's the fam, the (almost) 8 of us :).

Some friends went with us to help snap a few of those family shots - we had a great time. And the girls, well, they were not short on giggles...

What? You want to squeeze them as much as I do? I know, they're a fun bunch...not that I'm partial.

Alright I totally am. But can you blame me?

Hope you had a great weekend!

Happy Monday!


  1. LOVE the cute pics ... and fun to see what mom and dad look like.

    Hope your week is BLESSED!

    :) :) :)

  2. So glad you stepped out from behind the camera!! :)

    Have a great week!!

  3. great shots Kate..... I really like them.

    and 8 more days *eeeeek..... totally excited for you. Imagine how bad I would be if we actually lived close by ..... haha

  4. Thanks so much for sharing! What a lovely family you have!

  5. such cuteness! beautiful fam :)

  6. Kate, I saw these on facebook and they are just AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes my heart burst with joy for you. You & your girls & your family... you're all just beautiful :)

  7. Oh my! I love the one of them in the leaves. Great family photo.

  8. Great photos! I love the family pic. You look like you are glowing Kate. Have a great week!!!

  9. Aww, sweet pictures! And it's definitely important to be in front of the camera every once in awhile. My mom hated having her picture taken and now I hardly have any pics of her. :( You have a beautiful family!

  10. Great pics, beautiful family! So glad to see a picture of you! You need to post a belly shot... well, of course with your shirt on! :)

    Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl! 8 more days!

  11. Oh I am sooo far behind. CONGRATULATIONS!!

    I'm excited to hear what you're having! I'm going to have to keep reading know it's just 1, I'm sure??

  12. Those are great pictures!!! (Much better than what I managed to get from my unruly crew!) I want to see pictures of your bump! :)

  13. It's great to see your face! What a gorgeous, happy family you have.

    8 days?! Oh, the suspense!!!

  14. I love your family picture! It's perfect! And 20 weeks?! Girl, you halfway done! CANNOT wait to hear what kind of preciousness you are carrying!

  15. Soooo sweet! Excited to find out what you're having...though not as much as you are I'm sure!
