Friday, November 5, 2010

Just Because...

my energy has been zapped...

and this babe is kicking my booty...

doesn't mean I'm letting things go...

I'm still on top of things...

just so ya know.

Or maybe I'm not.

At all.

Oh well :)!


  1. I love it! That's the way it's been around here too. By the way we're having ONE. Ahhhh. I'm about 10 weeks today.
    I wish it was just the kids area in my house that was a's everything! Good luck to you!

  2. LOL!! Hope you're feeling well, Kate. You need Mary Poppins and her clean up song! I used to wish I had that magic power in my Kindergarten classroom...

  3. That just looks like a house of LOVE and FUN!!! And it is the basement - so you're all good. :)

  4. that looks like my house most days...and I am NOT pregnant with my SIXTH!!

    and I thought I was crazy =)


  5. That looks like my house except pink, and I only have 1 boy that can make a mess.

  6. I LOVE that you posted this! This totally looks like my house on days that my 3yo son is going bonkers. Honestly, this is a very familiar scene - so awesome to see my truth reflected somewhere else, too. :D

  7. hey thats okay, we all have houses that look like that!

  8. Is it awful of me to say wait till number six arrives??? haha... my house is looking less & less "designer" every time I turn around...... and I'm not pregnant!!

    oh and BTW just in case you even care... I think your house looks FUN.....!!

  9. Well, at least I'm sure they had a blast making that mess! :)
