Monday, November 15, 2010

Chaos Is My Calling

It really is.

It’s the Holiday’s - so that means extra shopping trips with my whole crew. And when I say shopping, I mean throwing things in the cart at random while trying to tame my many small children. With small kids, and in our case, 5 under 6, my #1 goal in any store, is to just survive. I've got 1 hanging on the end of the cart, 1 crying, 1 strapped to me in a carrier asleep, and 2 fighting over a Veggie Tales DVD that we already have at home. I can’t make this stuff up. I'm checking my list, and I'm begging them to behave. After all, we are in public.

As I'm scanning down my list, I'm asking myself, "what can we do without?” My shopping partners have had enough, and they are making it known. It’s time to make an exit. I’m asking God for patience, or a magic button to press that will send grandma to the rescue. You've been there right?!

You can see the rest of this story over at (in)courage...

Go ahead, click over! Ahem, please :).


  1. I seriously don't know how you manage going shopping with all the girls! You are truly amazing!

    Oh, and you'll appreciate this--Roberto took the boys to Kroger today and Toph knocked over 3 pies in the bakery. Oops... :)

  2. I seriously don't know how you shop with them all either. Bravo to you!! I have taken all six of mine only a few times and my twins are at that obnoxious age where everything you put IN the trolley they turn around and throw OUT. great game {not}.....
    I read the whole article.... wonderfully written XX

  3. I read the whole thing. YOu are amazing. I don't know how you shop with all of them. I can't even go with 2 boys by myself. lol.

  4. So happy to have your words on (in)courage, dear Kate!

  5. Bless your heart.
    Prayers!! :)

  6. It was beautiful. Funny how a post about a shopping trip can become something so much more. I love that you appreciate your blessings. What a great post!

  7. Great post. I think your girls are a happy little crew. It is always a fun time when I have been shopping with you.

  8. Not to mention the times you probably get stopped and all the comments :)

  9. I love it, I love how true it is. I so wish I could just have someone to be a personal shopper for me. It is a little easier now that they are bigger. but now they want to discuss how much money they have and why can't they buy this or that because it is there money

  10. So glad to meet you through (in)courage! Your daughters are all of their names.
