Sunday, October 17, 2010

This Time Last Year...

I took these pictures of my ladies...

But I haven't taken them out this Fall for another little "photo session."

My oh my, have they grown. Would ya look at those baby cheeks!?

Someone tell me to get out there and take updated pics of them!?

Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Wow! They have changed! Especially Ella... not that I need to remind you! Beautiful, sweet girls!

  2. Cute cute CUTE! Isn't it amazing how much they grow in just one year?!

  3. Get out there and update!! :)

    Love looking at these pics too, though. What beauties.

    Oooh, fall - it is just so fun!!

  4. LOVE those pics! I can't believe how much they (especially Kin and Raya) have grown! Little sweeties. :)

  5. Wow. What difference a year makes.

    Get out there and take new pictures!!
