Monday, October 4, 2010

I Love A Random List

1. I know I've been saying it - but it really is Fall, and I have the best new candle to prove it. It's dark brown and smells like a fireplace...or something.

2. I love my old fleece (yes I will only wear that "one") as much as my hoodies - it's just the best.

3. I have been drinking lots of Hot Chocolate.

4. I buy the "light" kind, but then use 2 packs. I don't know why I do it.

5. Fall is my favorite time of the year to take pictures...

6. I wanted to steal those dresses for my own girls.

7. I didn't though - that would be bad for business.

8. I worry about this pregnancy. A lot.

9. My morning sickness has been a bit better, although I'm still pretty sick at night. Anyone else have it bad at night??

10. My heart overflows when I think of another little love. Oh Lord, please keep this baby safe and healthy!

11.A lady in the Doctors office said, "you have 5!? You ARE crazy!"

12. I felt for sure that we had the "crazy" title in common. (I just smiled)

13. We got a new Area Rug for our main floor (thanks, mom!), and I absolutely loovve it. I'll have to take some pics and show ya.

14. The girls have asked me for something 14 times while I typed this.

15. Yes, I counted.

16. One of them just asked me, "can I borrow some money?"

17. And now I'm off to play with those little ladies, and figure out what all this borrowing money business is about!

Happy Monday!


  1. I love that 14 times ended up on number 14 of the list. :)

    I bought a pumpkin caramel candle from Target and thought of you! :) It smells sooooo delicious and I just know you'd love it and it came from Target - so that is a bonus!

    I've been thinking about #5 and praying for a healthy bundle!

    Sending you a virtual hug.

  2. I love fall! I pulled out my pumpkin spice yankee candle tonight. :D Praying for your pregnancy and a safe delivery.

  3. hahahaha.......... can i borrow some money............. priceless!

  4. I am sorry for your worries about the pregnancy; please know that there are lots of us out here praying for you!

    Yeah, we're in the crazy club too. (Crazy AWESOME! Sorry, had to say it. :)

  5. WHAT?!?!? I miss a few posts and I missed the big news!! Shame on me for missing this!
    CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!! SO insanely happy for you all!

  6. Hahaha! I put two packets in my hot chocolate! But I don't use light. I add a bit of chocolate syrup and a dollop of whipped cream too. Yum! I love hot chocolate when its chilly outside!

  7. Having crazy in common. ha! ;D

    Congratulations on your pregnancy!

  8. Oh, yes, my morning sickness with my last pregnancy was the worst at night. I was starving for a bedtime snack, but if I ate anything, it came back up when I brushed my teeth. Ugh! And pointless! Actually, I discovered that potatoes were good bedtime snacks. Weird, huh? Mashed potatoes, sure, but French fries were the best!!

  9. Oh my gosh--that's so funny that you posted this yesterday and then I forced you into hot chocolate (kinda) last night. I might be psychic...

  10. 1. I must know where you got your brown "campfire" candle. It's one of my favorite fall smells!

    2. You've got a buddy in the hot chocolate craving department. Just had Caribou's dark chocolate cocoa for the first time. That was a mistake because now I can't stop thinking about it!

    3. Praying for your sweet babe!
