Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Babe...

Is growing great! He or she is actually measuring a week ahead!

Here's a little profile shot...

We are so happy that everything seems to be coming along just like it should. Everytime I see the ultrasound, I'm amazed again at how God can create such a miracle. So amazing!

I'm off to pack a dinner and head to the park with the little ladies. Dad is working late (again), so PB&J at the park seems like a great idea :)!


  1. I'm glad the ultrasound went well! I come away with the same conclusion every time I have one: what a miracle!

    Enjoy your evening! You can't go wrong with PB&J :D

  2. So glad everything went well! I can relate to the hubby working late, and so I concur that PBJ is a great idea!

  3. Nice to hear that everything is going well. Have fun with your little ladies!!

  4. YAY!!! So glad things are going great!

  5. Looks like a boy to me, hehe...
    so glad baby is healthy, congrats.

  6. yay!! So glad everything went well!

  7. Glad to hear everything is going well, I love seeing the pictures...

    I am trying to get pregnant right now and had to recently go on Clomid... I'm nervous about a second set of twins, but always find comfort in your blog... you make it look... doable!

    ... I mean, you had another baby after your second set of twins... that just shows that life goes on with every blessing!

  8. you are so blessed. thanks for sharing that precious picture of you little one.

  9. Such great news, Kate!! So happy for you again! :) I'm so excited to follow your journey with this little blessing. Hope you had a great picnic!

  10. Yea for good news! Our Daddy had to work late last night, too, so we went to IHOP with Grammy for supper. Yum!

  11. Love the little profile! Preggo and the park? You go girl! Not happening here right now :(

  12. So glad to hear the ultrasound went well. The early months of pregnancy are so nerve-wracking! I loved the reassurance of seeing that tiny wiggly baby on the screen.

    Congratulations, again:)

  13. Love this post on so many levels! Sweet pic, new life, big things for your family! God is such a beautiful Creator! Praying for that little precious babe!

  14. Hi sweet, baby!!!

    You've got a beautiful family already in love with you!!

    And many happy readers looking forward to your arrival.

  15. Yay for those sweet photos of a healthy little one!

  16. Precious picture! I'm glad that everything is going well.

  17. Glad the ultrasound went good. So cute!

    PB&J at the park sounds wonderful.

  18. YOUR child a week ahead?! What a shocker...I'm surprised he's not ready to come out right now (as a full-grown man, like our old joke :))!
