Friday, October 8, 2010

An Afternoon At The Park...

Just hangin' out while we wait to go get Ella from school.

I think Fall is the best time for the park, don't you??


  1. Oh how I need to take time for Park Days. Since getting back from our 6 week Road Trip, I have just been a go-go-go Mama, and I need to slow down and PLAY with my kids again.

    Thanks for the reminder.

    :) :) :)

  2. YES! Fall is the perfect time for the park. It looks like your little had a fun (and adorable!) afternoon :)

  3. That first pic of Kinley just melts my heart - LOVE it!!

    What a fun day - and I have to agree about fall in the park - it really is perfect.

  4. Awww! So sweet. Yes it is the perfect time. We are going this afternoon as a matter of a fact.

  5. OMGoodness...I love that last picture of your 2 sets of twins. So Cute! You HAVE to have another girl!!!

  6. I love your blog and your photos--gorgeous! Feel free to share my list...learned the hard way! :-)

  7. Cute pics. I like the one of Reese and Char standing in front of that measuring wall. Too cute!
