Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins. Yes, Please!

These are everything you think they're going to be.

And more.

We made a few little changes to the original recipe that was given to me, and they are fan-tas-tic! The recipe calls for streusal topping, but the girls wanted to put extra filling on top instead :).

I've already had more than my share...


For The Muffins:
3 cups Flour
1 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Nutmeg
1 tsp Ground Cloves
1 tbsp and 1 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Baking Soda
4 eggs
1 1/4 cup Vegetable Oil
2 cups Sugar
2 cups Pumpkin Puree

For The Filling:
1 8oz package Cream Cheese
1 cup Powdered Sugar

The Streusal Topping (again, we didn't add this, but definitely will next time!)
1/2 cup Sugar
1/4 cup and 1tsp Flour
4 tbsp butter, cubed
1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon

Instructions (edited to add...sheesh)

Filling - Combine Powdered Sugar and Cream Cheese and mix well. Place in Refrigerator till you are done mixing the other mixture.

Muffin Mix - Mix all ingredients and fill muffin liners half way.

Assembly - Fill Muffin Cup half way and put a tsp (or so) of filling on top, then fill the rest of the Muffin Cup with muffin mixture. Then drop another tsp (or so) of Filling Mixture on top. (sprinkle streusal if you made it.)

Heat oven to 350 degrees and bake for 20-25 min. Thats it!

You MUST try them, they are just as good as the Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies!



  1. Oh. Oh my. Oh, oh, oh. Yes please please, indeed.

    Mmmmmmm :)

  2. Dear Gosh! I'm going to have to make these!

  3. Thanks for posting this! I will definitely be making these!

  4. Do you just dollop a spoonful of the cream cheese in the batter before baking? And what temp?? LOL!

    Think I can substitute butter for oil?

  5. Yum. that sounds good. fyi, pumpkin is back at Kroger.

  6. I h ad no idea about this pumpkin stuff! The cashier told me they just got theirs in last week after being out for a YEAR!

  7. I can't wait to try these! I was just in Starbucks and they had muffins that looked just like these and I almost splurged but didn't! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Just have to tell you...it's all your fault. All your fault that I started craving pumpkin after your pumpkiny tweets and then it's all your fault that I paid $1.69 for a measly can of pumpkin to add to cups of sugar, large clumps of butter, and chocolate chips...for cupcakes, topped with cream cheese frosting. OH they hit the spot! And now, it's all your fault that I'll be buying more overly priced pumpkin to try these delicious looking muffins. Boy, it's all your fault! (and that's why I like you so much!)

  9. I can verify that these are wonderful! Thanks for sharing yours with me! :)
