Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Favorite Stripes

Don't you just love when some of your babies clothes still fit from the previous year?

Especially clothes that you absolutely adored when they wore them?

Maybe it's just me?

I just realized that these striped pants still fit perfect, and I am one happy mama...

It seems that Kinley's pretty happy about it as well...

She is quite a little character, can you tell?? :)

Hope you all are having a great week!


  1. Awww! So adorable! She is so sweet.

  2. YEAH!!!! I am so excited for you. You LOVED those pants!

  3. soooooooooooo sweet! I can't believe how big she's getting!

  4. how adorable!! so cute. love that little hug shirt too.

    i'm tickled when my clothes fit for more than one season too ha!

  5. Those pants are so sweet! I love them! Glad you get more time to savor her cuteness in them!

  6. Bella has that striped tunic, but so sad... I think the sleeves are too short. :(
