Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Just Talkin'

Our little women are under the weather, they are just passing this bug around.

I think Reese has it the worst, poor little girl has a high temp that just won't budge much. She has slept off and on all day...

She actually is sleeping next to me in our bed as I type this. I like to keep them close when fevers are this high.

I'm really hoping I don't get it - but at the same time I wish it was me that was sick instead of them. I just hate when they feel this bad! So I'm just sitting here, watching her and compulsively feeling her head to see if the fever seems to be down. Am I the only one who does that??

And I'm eating Combos. In bed. They just sound good and I have to go with that at this point :).

Well, I'm going to try to catch some shut eye too, I have a feeling I might be up tonight with some savvies. But I'm crossing my fingers and hoping everyone sleeps well!



  1. Praying for you all tonight, feel better SOON!

  2. I'm so sorry you have sick little ones! Hope they heal quickly and you stay healthy!

  3. Praying they feel better soon! My little one has had a cold too. He's finally getting over it. I compulsively felt of his head and kept him cuddled up to me at night too. :)

  4. Sorry to hear you're family is under the weather :( Hope you stay healthy!

  5. My girls absolutely will not sleep if they are in bed with me. They just want to talk and play, even if they have a super high temp. We ended up buying a temporal scanner thermometer because I was so obsessed with constantly feeling their foreheads. If you don't have one, I would highly, highly recommend spending the money to get one!! Hope all your girls get to feeling better soon!!

  6. Hope they feel all better soon.

  7. Very cute. Like how you refer to your girls as the "savvies."
    And yes, combos might be a good comfort food for you, keep a bag nearby at all times!
    I think I might have caught the bug your "savvies" have. Hopefully nobody else gets it 'cause it might cramp my style during the day when I'm trying to relax on the couch eating bonbons :)

  8. I'm hoping all your 'savvies' get to feeling better soon.

    I also just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your blog!!

  9. Aww, there's nothing worse than sick kiddo's. Always breaks my heart to see my girls sick and hurting. I do love the extra snuggle/cuddle time I get tho', even if it is under not so great circumstances. Hope your little savvies feel better soon!

  10. Poor babies! Ours were all sick a couple weeks ago, and I agree- it is terrible to see your little ones not feeling good. Hope they are feeling better today!

  11. I agree with you that I would rather be sick than my children...except that then who's the mommy?

    As for the combos, if you're as sick as I get when I'm pregnant, eat whatever you want! Because it's not much!

  12. Poor little Reese! And nice moves on the Combos in bed. What a great idea! :)
