Thursday, September 9, 2010

Close Up Pics

I love them.

You probably notice I take a lot of close up shots. I think it is the best way to capture every little detail of these little faces that are changing so fast.

Like this one where Ella is biting her lip - she does that when she gets nervous or is feeling shy. SO cute. Look at that big tooth growing in...

What a Cutie Patootie.

So that's it, I loovve close ups. Do you?


  1. I love closeups too. They are my favorite shots.

  2. Ella is growing up into a beautiful young lady :)

  3. yes i love them especially your pictures. What kinda camera do you use? do you have all those fancy lenses? Did you take a course?
    lol sorry for the 20 questions.

  4. I love close-ups, too! Who cares about the chair they're sitting on or the wall they're standing in front of? What I really want is a picture of my children's faces! And I'm so glad that my mother clued me into that fact because I was clueless before.

  5. Beautiful girl! I love close-ups...almost so much I'd have a wall of close-ups of other people's kids as well as my own. Weird, I know! Kids are just such beautiful reminders of God's handiwork!
