Monday, September 13, 2010

Alright, Little Ladies...

It's your turn.

It's time for you to start Preschool, I can't believe you are in PreK this year. Cause that means you start Kindergarten next year - and well, mama just can't think of that yet :).

You girls have been SO excited for this, and I have loved listening to your little conversations about how much fun it will be. The joy you two have is so fun, and so sweet...

Now girls, mommy wants you to listen and be sweet to others. Hop in there and make some new little friends. I'm sure you are going to just love the other kids!

Reese Olivia, be goofy and make everyone laugh. You're great at that and it's super charming.

Charlotte Grace, laugh as much as you'd like, your joy is contagious.

And ladies, I used to say "play the twin connection down a bit", but don't. God sent you to us as a pair, and you hold a bond that the rest of us don't understand. Embrace it, and love on each other as much as you'd like...

Alright you two, get in there and learn as much as your little minds will take. I love you SO much and am SO proud of you both. I can't wait to hear all about it!

Well, ladies - Preschool is waiting...


  1. They are an awesome pair!!! Love those smiles...they look so excited!! Enjoy Pre-K!!!

  2. They are so cute together! I'm sure they will have a great year!

  3. Great pictures! I am sure they are going to do great in Pre-K! So adorable!

  4. Oh my goodness......they are adorable!!

  5. Really, really sweet! What precious sisters they are.

  6. Hi Kate,
    I haven't posted a comment in awhile, but I've been following along! Love all the photos of your girls starting the new school year. What a fun time for them! (And nice for you to get some time with just the littler girls!)

  7. PRECIOUS! I just know they'll love preschool :)

  8. What sweet pic's of my babies! I've watched them grow throughout the last 4 years and can't believe how time has passed so quickly. Love to you all! Grandma

  9. This is so sweet! They are so adorable together.

  10. this post is amazingly sweet :) and the girls are so gorgeous! hope the first day is amazing!

  11. I love all your words of wisdom!
    Hope those sweet girls have an awesome time at preschool!

  12. You can just see their love for each other oozing out! So sweet... sniff, sniff

  13. Those are such GREAT pictures of Char and Reese! Can't believe how fast they're growing up!
