Friday, August 13, 2010

What I Say VS. What They Hear

I say, "Come here right now, I mean it!"

They hear, "run to the next aisle, but not before running (basically) over that elderly lady looking at the clocks."

I say, "If you don't eat all your food, then you will have no snack later."

They hear, "Don't eat, I will nag until the woman gives in - she's clearly at the end of her rope."

I say, "If you put your mouth on that mirror one more time, we're leaving. The workers have to clean that!"

They hear, "Lick the mirror."

I say, "Sit right at the table, you're going to spill something!"

They hear, "Sit on knees, place cup at edge of table, knock it over with your elbow - then watch it spill all over the table, on to the chair, and then on to the floor. In that order."

I say, "Because if you put the blanket over your head while you're walking, you will run into the walls."

They hear, "Do it! Running into walls is awesome - the most fun ever!

I say, "I told you 3 times that we are leaving soon - I'm going as fast as I can!"

They hear, "Ask one more time."

I say, "Because we just painted those walls!"

They hear, "walls aren't complete till coloring is finished - scribbling is the new accent color."

I say, "I love you - more than you can ever imagine. One day, when you become a mommy, then you'll understand."

They hear, "She loves us - more than anything. Even when she is tired, frustrated, or stressed, that lady adores us."

I do believe they are hearing that last one correctly, even if I'm not making myself clear on everything else. :)


  1. oh Kate. Our lives are so similar. Man I wish we lived closer :) In other news, I'm glad to find out that mine aren't the only children who think putting blankets over their heads & walking is great fun! :)

  2. Oh Kate..... I read somewhere once 100 years ago when I began parenting and had time to read parenting books!! that if you start a sentence with "don't......" the child forgets the word 'don't' immediately... so you say "don't spill your drink...." and they hear "spill your drink". I don't know that it's completely true... but it's not untrue either.

    I read a great sign on the door of my sons school today. I'm going to copy it down & post it on my blog, next week. It was seven things inefficient people do and seven things '........ '{can't remember but it was positive} do!

    It was just brilliant. I'm wanting it for my fridge.

    I'll get back to you on that one :):)

  3. I am so sure they are hearing that last one every single day.

  4. LOVE this post! Your kids must hear the same things mine do....

    Stopping by from Multiples and More!

  5. Stopping by from M & M. Thanks for the laugh! I now understand why my kids act the way they do. They are hearing things a LOT different from what I've said! :o)

  6. Here is mine:
    Me-If you touch that again I will spank you.
    Ella-I can touch this one more time b/c it doesn't hurt or bother me when she spanks me

  7. Oh you know you don't really mean it till you are shouting at the top of your lungs, a blue vein is protruding from your temple, and you're foaming at the mouth, couting to 5, and weilding a open faced palm!
    Great post!
    Mine have selective hearing too!

  8. Haha. Those girls definitely have minds of their own! I can definitely say with certainty that they know you love them to pieces.

  9. Cute!

    Just catching up on a little blog reading. We are on the 20th day of a 5 week Road Trip, and haven't had much internet.

    Hope your summer ends well. Our Summer Vacation isn't nearly over ...

