Tuesday, July 20, 2010

They Retain The Info, But Apparently I Don't.

The weather is SO unpredictable here - forecast says rain, but it looks sunny. And I hate when we get to the pool and it starts to storm - that just makes for some unhappy little ladies!

So instead of packing them all up for the pool, we're heading to the library and to run some errands. The library can be interesting with us at times. You know, since they like to keep it quiet there, and my crew is, well...

The opposite of quiet.

But the older girls have been asking for a couple weeks to go, so that is what we're doing! It's just to hot for the park - they had enough slidin' and swingin' yesterday...

So off we go. I already told them if they don't behave I'll take away their after dinner treat - but Reese reminded me that...

"you already took our treat away, remember?? When we were jumping off the coffee table right after we got out of bed!"

Oh yea, I know. I remember. I was just seeing if you remembered.

Alright it slipped my mind.

I'm having trouble recalling my own punishments. Is that normal? Yes? Phew.

Here's hoping we find some good books!


  1. too smart for their own good! :) Hope you guys had a great day!

  2. I wonder if we crossed paths. I dropped by the library briefly to pick a book on loan. Can't wait to read it!

    I hate to admit they we just now got a library pass. Why did I put it off so long? I have such great memories of going as a kid. The kids and I have had some great snuggle time lately reading fun books!

  3. i keep thinking i'm going to re-try the library. last time we went turner yelled and pulled books off the shelves the whole time. not fun. maybe I'll take them this afternoon. good idea, thanks

  4. ha ha! too funny! I need to try and take dustyn again. last time it was a disaster. it is even worse because i used to work there and everyone always complained about rowdy kids. LOL!

  5. Ha! All the time. Or if I actually remember they'll bargain with me to get whatever I took away back.

    Or the Mom and me will kick in and feeling back I'll offer ways for them to redeem themselves =)

  6. i have TOTALLY mastered the "I TOTALLY remember what I said to you 8 minutes ago when you were naughty and I gave you a consequence" look

    but underneath that look I am thinking "what in the bleeping world is WRONG with my brain that I cant remember what I JUST Said 8 minutes ago!!!!!!

    and that is why we are friends
    or would be if you lived down the street!

  7. Kate, I need to write that sort of stuff down!! It's usually my eldest son being punished and I write it down as I can NEVER recall what exactly I've said..... HOPELESS... no "mother of the year awards for consistency" here.... x

  8. Oh the dreaded mommy brain!

    My kids enjoy the library, too. I just need to teach my daughter not to pull off every book that is the color purple! :)

  9. Haha, gotta love kids. Have fun at the library- my 5 yr. old loves going there.

  10. I need to teach Reese not to remind you of her punishments if you forget...Too cute! :)

  11. I wish I'd have more nerve to visit the library more often, but it's HARD with loud, every-book-pulling-off little ones... That coupled with the fact that I'm still mourning the loss of our last brand new, huge, beautiful hometown library compared to a further away, little, ickier one now is a bad combo. Sigh....
