Friday, July 2, 2010


I have total control over bedtime...

my ladies are completely worn out by the end of the day...

bedtime from Kate on Vimeo.

well maybe they still have some (cute) energy left...



  1. Oh, that was great!! Loved it! They are so cute :)

  2. Those giggles!!! Love that video.

  3. too cute! those giggles make it awfully hard to be the tough Mommy.

  4. They have the cutest giggles I have ever heard! What fun:)

  5. Those little giggles are precious!!!

  6. Wanna hear something funny? Your voice in that video sounds just like mine. LOL

    We would love to see you when we set out on our crazy road trip if you are up for the insanity. We're passing right through near you I think!

  7. I think it would be impossible to watch that and not laugh along with them! So stinkin' cute! I think my favorite part is when they stopped jumping and you told them to lie down. It's so funny how Kinley is just watching to see what Raya does, and then as soon as Raya starts jumping, Kin joins her. Ahhh--adorable!!

    You need to get a video of them going and waving downstairs when you tell them to say goodnight to their sisters. I don't know why, but every time I see them do it, it melts my heart! It is so sweet! :)

  8. Awww.... That makes me want 20 more babies!! :) So sweet...
