Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday, I'm Kinda Glad To See You!

Whew, our days, and especially this weekend, have been buussy!

I think sometimes we shove to much into the weekend...

Anyone else?

It seems like we have just been on the go, all the time :).

And believe me, these little legs...

Are moving pretty quickly these days :)...

We had a good, but full weekend. I took a lot of photos, did some family stuff, hung some pictures, and we signed Ella up for Cheerleading :). And let me tell ya, she is one cute girl in that little uniform.

Oh me, oh my...SO sweet.

The little skirt, the knee highs, the warm up suit...

Mercy. I can't handle the cuteness!

I'll post some pictures of that new little cheerleader soon. :)

I am taking my ladies to the pool today if it's sunny, they need to get some energy out after all these rainy days!

Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Happy Monday, Kate! Hope you have an amazing week :)

  2. Our weekend got busier than I wanted it to. A day at the pool sounds nice.

  3. I can't wait to see her outfit!!! Oooh, and some cheer videos...hopefully those will soon follow. Happy Monday to ya!
