Friday, May 7, 2010

We Are...

Still under construction at the new house...

Still renovating, still tearing out the old to make room for the new...

We are getting ready to decorate the playroom...I can hardly wait...

I have 4 colors for that room, you think that's too many :)???

I have to shove a house full of toys and dress up into that room, so I'm on the hunt for some good organization tips.

Got any? How do you keep all the toys under control??


  1. a combination of Ikea & The Container helps, but still is never completely under control! :)

    Love it! The more color the better!


    just got these brightly colored galvanized buckets from pottery barn kids. they're huge and great for sorting toys. now i'm working on a shelving/basket system for the family room because i've been completely unsuccessful at getting the kids to keep their stuff in their rooms. ;-) good luck!

  3. IKEA...they have the greatest stuff and so affordable!!

  4. Love Ikea and the Container Store. Oh yea! But ... you know ... Target has cool stuff, too. :)

    I like the plastic sets of drawers (think mini-dresser with 4 see-through drawers). My boys have a drawer for legos ... a drawer for rescue heroes ... a drawer for train stuff ... a drawer for matchbox cars ... They can see right through the front of the drawer to choose what they want to do, and also where to put things away.

    But ... put aside the organization ... what COLORS have you chosen??? You know (if you read last week's post about decorating) that I LOVE lots of COLORS in any room.

    Laurel :)

  5. PS: Thinking Target ... I really like the cube organizers that you put the canvas colored boxes into. If you buy the 8 cube one and put it on it's side, you will have 8 "drawers" to put different types of toys into. The girls can reach all 8 drawers. And ... this also leaves a bench-type unit for them to sit on, play on, etc...

  6. That dishwasher looks scary!!! ;) Can't wait to see what you do.

  7. Ikea is great for organizational stuff. I also have a couple lidded baskets in other rooms for other toys that end up floating through the house.

  8. Four colors?! This should be interesting... :)

  9. Toy management mantra: purge early and purge often! Of course with the age range of your chillins you can't put things away until the youngest have had their turn with it...

  10. I agree 100% with Mama D and {The Christians}!! We got tall bookshelves at IKEA (very well-made, easy to assemble per hubby, and affordable) and turned them on their side for two rows with 8 cubbies each. (Side-by-side there's 16 cubbies...) We then put the TV, puzzles holder, and some other things on the top. I got smaller bins at IKEA in red, blue, and green for the top and large orange bins at Target for the bottom. I also left some cubbies free for existing Rubbermade bins and books. I LOVE how it turned out, and it's so functional. The kids know which toys go in which bins, and it makes clean-up easy. Hope that helps!! :)

  11. Ikea Expedit bookcases and the fabric ITSO bins from Target fit perfectly together for an inexpensive solution.
