Monday, May 3, 2010

They Partied Hard

We did Stations - it was a huge hit!

They made necklaces...

They painted nails...

And they decorated their own cupcakes...

I'm pretty sure they all left on a sugar high :)...

We sang, we opened presents, and ate cake...

It was a great night. Good times, lots of family, and great friends...

These little birthday girls were a little tired last night...

They partied hard :).

Hope you all had a great weekend! Happy Monday!

ETA: Hop over and check out my friend Heather's blog - not only do we both have 2 sets of twins, but her twin girls and my twin girls have the same birthday. They all turned 4 last Wednesday! (funny, huh!?)


  1. Looks like a great time! Glad they had a good birthday. :)

  2. Looks like the PERFECT birthday princess kind of party. :) Good job, Party Planner/Chaos Manager/Supermom! :)

  3. Looks like a fabulous time!!!

  4. I LOVE the cute little stations! How fun for everyone!!

  5. What a great idea!!! stations! happy birthday to yourlittle sweeties :)

  6. Awww, so fun! Those station cups are perfect! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

  7. what a fun girly party!! and those adorably tired birthday girls are beyond precious. great work, mommy!

  8. I'm giggling because I feel like I am living in a parallel universe. I posted something similar today... right down to the painted nails! LOL

    I am so glad your girls had a great party! :)

  9. Aw! This ALMOST makes me wish for a girl! What a fun party and I love that last picture. Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  10. THANKS for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I love to meet new blogging friends. YOur girls are precious. It looked like their party went well.

  11. Looks like every little girls' dream party! Glad you had a great time!

  12. You did a GREAT job with the party. It all looked so cute! Love the after-party pic of R&C--adorable! :)

  13. Wow I wish someone would throw me a party with stations! It looks like fabulous fun.

  14. those cupcakes look yummy!

    sounds like everybody had a blast!

  15. What a FUN birthday party! I would give anything for one of those cupcakes!!! :)

  16. Sounds like a fun time. The stations are a fabulous idea!
