Wednesday, May 5, 2010

She Found Her Belly...

And she likes to show it...

Good thing that little belly is so stinkin' cute, huh??

Speaking of good finds -- these yellow polka dot tank tops I got from Target for 6 bucks, I loovve them! Aren't they so sweet?

We're off to school, then to the park for a picnic - the girls are super excited :).

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Lovin' that sweet belly :)

    Have a great picnic!

  2. Sooo cute. Really makes me want to try for a little girl!! Then I'll end up w twin boys again- we would be the same :) (just all boys)

  3. Aren't baby tummies the best!? So sweet!

  4. Baby bellies are so SWEET! I'm trying not to tickle the screen right now :)

    And those tanks are adorable! Good find!

  5. Raya, you like to show it and I like to see it! Too cute!

    Love Kinley's little curls and those tank tops, too! :)

  6. Adorable!! I love it when they do that!

  7. Such a cute lil' tummy! Love those yellow tank tops! I love yellow in the summery!! :)

  8. gotta love a good baby belly. we can only get away with that for so long, right? ;) sweet, sweet pictures.

    we love tarjet too! :)

  9. oh my. those yellow tanks are the absolute cutest! Today I hit up the baby girl clearance section at target and got a lot of cute things, a little swim suit for 2.48 and 4 other shirt/shorts for only 1.25 each! I haven't even had this baby girl yet, and I'm obsessed with buying cute clothes! :) good thing for the clearance at target!

  10. Sweet little girly girl!
    Do you just go around constantly smiling with all the girly cuteness at your house? I love it!

  11. Aww, she looks just so squeezable. Just went to Target and definitely want to grab a few of those tops for my niece. Did you check out the little sundresses? ADORABLE!
