Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wrinkled Feet

I think I found the first picture I will hang in the girls new bathroom...

Sigh, just look at those little "after-bath-wrinkled-feet." Love them. I am going to hang it right next to their little bath towels. I can't wait.

Oh I have been waiting almost 5 months to move, and decorate, and just be a normal family again...

Well, I guess we're never going to be a normal family :). But it will be amazing to just get back to our regular life.

I need patience. And a team of renovators to help my husband get this house back in shape.

Or I might just need a girls night out.

Anyway, no more rambling, I've been doing too much of that lately. I am off to the store and then to a movie & dinner with one of my favorite ladies. It's much needed.

Tomorrow we are cooking all day - Mexican food - it's going to be yummy. I hope.

Hope you all are having a great weekend!


  1. We've been waiting 6 months for the Lord to give us a house of our own. So hard.

    I can't wait to decorate "MY OWN HOUSE". In our borrowed house, everything is decorated by the owner. But ... I just had to have my own personal touch somewhere. So, I have purchased new table clothes for every month or season, which has been a fun touch of Me.

    Laurel :)

  2. LOVE the new pictures! (the sister picture and this one). What a beautiful bunch of little ladies :)

  3. aww, I love that picture~ Precious!!! I hope you had fun on your GNO! xxoo LA

  4. Awesome picture and even awesomer idea to put it in the bathroom. :)

  5. love love love that wrinkled feet picture and so perfect for your bathroom! :)

  6. Is it bad that I want to plant two kisses right in the middle of each of those feeties? Surely you I'm sure you do it daily :)
