Monday, March 8, 2010

What We Cooked This Weekend

I have found a couple new favorite recipes. Seriously, yum.

I was looking for lunches that I can make on school days, which is when lunch time is usually stressful. We don't get home till around noon-ish, and everyone is always hungry - so I need something, fast. I want them to have good lunches, that are good for them. It has just gotten way to easy to throw nuggets in the oven when meal time turns stressful. Nothing like processed chicken. Yuck.

So first up, Homemade Hot Pockets.

Hot Pockets are a great concept. However, the ingredients...questionable. So here is a great alternative that I have found.

1. First, I rolled out some pizza dough, and cut it into rectangles. I bought mine at TJ's, but you can buy dough at most grocery stores if you just ask the deli. I bought both white and wheat dough. The wheat was really easy to work with, just FYI.

2. I put shredded cheese (any kind works), and some Ham (whatever deli meat you like) on half the dough.

3. Then I folded the dough over, and sealed the edges. Placed them on the (greased) baking sheet and cooked them at 425 degrees for 20-30 minutes.
4. And here we are. I let them cool, put a batch in the fridge, and bagged 2 batches for the freezer.

The girls loved them!

Next is a recipe I have been wanting to cook for awhile, but have been putting it off. It doesn't have the healthiest ingredients (ahem...crisco), but sometimes you have to branch out, right!? And let me tell you, these are a must, my friends. By far, the best "dessert" I've had in a long time.

1/2 C sugar
1/2 C brown sugar
1/2 C shortening
1/2 C creamy peanut butter
1 large egg
1t vanilla
1 1/4 C flour
3/4 t baking soda
1/2 t baking powder
3/4 C strawberry or raspberry jam

1/4 C real butter, melted
2 C powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 T hot water

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, bake for 20min or until golden brown. Enjoy!

Let me know if any of you try either really should :)! Anyone else have easy, healthy lunches for kids? I am needing some new ideas.

Hope you all had a great weekend!!


  1. Thanks for the recipes! I tried the homemade poptarts last week and LOVED them! Thanks for the ideas!

  2. Just wanted to let you know ....

    pizza dough is REALLY easy to make. I had no idea that you could actually buy it at the grocery store. Seriously. It is EASY.

    Maybe I'll post the recipe on my blog.

    mama of a dozen plus :)

  3. It's amazing.. I was just discussing with my mother-in-law how easy hot pockets would be to make at home..

  4. Both look delicious!! We do hot pockets too. Also I make, bake then freeze personal size pizza crust's and then top and bake for a quick lunch. We also love to have soft taco's and wraps. I keep a supply of shredded cheese and cooked hamburger and sausage in the freezer which helps speed lunch prep up.

  5. Those hot pockets look perfect! You KNOW I'm always looking for more lunch ideas :) Will try, for sure. And I'm with Laurel -- pizza dough is a cinch. However with 5 littles, it becomes more like a snap. A few more minutes, but still easy :)

    And I love that those hot pockets aren't full of weird ingredients on the food label, which make no sense as REAL food. They're just easy, simple, food. Did that make sense?

  6. Yum! I think I might have to try this!

  7. You are a life saver! Those hot pocket things are amazing myself and the kids love em! Got anymore ideas up your sleeve? =D
