Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We Have It

Spring Fever. I think everyone has it!

I'm finding myself wanting to use the saying, "Get out there and get the stink blown off ya!" Ever heard that? It's from one of my favorite movies...any one recognize it?? It's such fitting quote for kids who have been cooped up in the house all winter.

The weather today was absolutely beautiful. I know it will get cold again before Spring really arrives, but it's nice to just pretend it's here to stay :).

I was totally in the spirit today. Flip flops, windows down, picnic, and a trip to the park...

The girls played their little hearts out.

Isn't it so great when they can get outside and run off some of that energy???

They were so worn out, they could barely keep their eyes open on the way home.

I think little Kinley was asleep before I even turned the light out...

Sigh. The way she lays her sweet little head on "Monkey" is just the cutest thing I've seen in a while.

Not that I'm partial.

Alright, maybe I'm a little partial :).

Anyone else really ready for warmer weather??


  1. Never heard that term before. Funny! I wish the sun would show it's face around here.

  2. As soon as it was even slightly warm I through on my hoodie and took the baby for a walk in the park. Sunlight! We have sunlight. It just makes ya giddie!

  3. That saying is from a movie?! HMMM! Us country folk have been saying that for years, but you have to say it like this, "go outside and get the stink blowed off of ya!" :)

    Love that picture of the park, the colors are gorgeous!

  4. Hope Floats, of course. :)

    New here, de-lurking. Beautiful photographs!

  5. YAY spring!!!! I'm seeing so many spring images on really is like a fever and very contagious...and it does wonderful things for a momma's disposition :)

  6. we have "it" too!!!!!! Just being able to get out and walk this week has done wonders for us all! Here's hoping spring's here to stay :)

  7. Hope Floats! Love that movie. Poor Sandra is going through a similar situation in real life! (Husband cheating)It's been warm here too..but not enough for flip flops :( jealous.
    Love the little aqua GAP hoodie! I bought the same one in purple for my niece. Hope your house is coming along quickly :)

  8. Oh I love sleeping baby pictures! Thanks for sharing

  9. We have it, too! We played at the park today, too! I love the picture of your sweetie sleeping on her monkey--precious!

  10. I know, Im going to get aloooot of mileage out of that fun lil saying :) Its been so nice here for the past few days, but we are now expecting snow on Saturday. WAAAAAAA! but, its just round the corner, ahhhh... ;) xoxo LA

  11. HOPE FLOATS!!!!!!!! =)

    love that one!

  12. I love that term! Very cool! Your daughters are beautiful. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  13. We have the fever too! Letting the girls run around at the park is such a great way to wear them out! And such a relief for mama...I'm right there with you. We have been outside every "warm day" chance we get!

  14. I love Hope Floats!!
    And yes, the one day of flip flops was such a tease here too!!!
    How can it be 73 on Saturday, but a high on 45 tomorrow??
