Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mama Likes Wontons

I do, I love them. Who doesn't??

I looked around for recipes in hopes of finding a way to make them, that would be a little healthier, and I ended up finding one that I just had to share tonight.

Healthy? Not completely. Delicious? Absolutely.

1. I put some Extra Virgin Olive Oil in the pan.

2 I pulled out my Wonton Wraps that I picked up at our local grocery in the Natural Foods Section.

3. And I grabbed the Nutella and cream cheese.

Nutella. Is amazing.

4. I layed the wraps out and dropped a small amount of filling on each. I actually made some cream cheese & spinach ones - they were yummy.

5. I layed them in the pan and let them cook for about 20 seconds (I flipped them), until they were crispy.

6. The Dessert Nutella Wontons got some extra attention. After I cooked them, I rolled them in Cinnamon & Sugar.

I know. Alot of sweetness in one item. They were amazing.

They were fun to make, and the girls loved them!

Hope you all are having a great weekend!


  1. Wow these sound delicious. What a great treat to make with the kids. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Would have never guessed to put natella in them or plain cream cheese. Thanks!

    You could try wonton tacos. Put the wontons in a muffin tin, add cooked taco flavored meat and top with cheese then bake for a short time. Top with desired ingredients. yummy!

  3. You had me at "Nutella"... Love the stuff, seriously. And I love spinach and cream cheese too. Thanks for the ideas! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  4. LOVE Nutella! When I was prego, I ate indecent amounts of it. Babies in utero love Nutella too, you know ;). Those wontons look divine!

  5. Ooo, I love wontons too but have never attempted to make them myself. These look yummy! I'll have to try them!

    Blessings, Leslie
