Thursday, September 24, 2009

This One Takes The Cake

It's well known around here that our Raya has a hard time leaving the grass alone. I have posted pics of her eating it a couple times. And yes, I did stop to take a pic before I took it away from her...

Whats a little grass gonna hurt?

You sit Raya on a blanket, she crawls to the edge, and starts pulling...well, and eating. See?

Now believe me, I try to contain her, but she is persistent, and know, have 4 other small children to chase. I often find myself trying to decide, "do I take the grass away from Raya, or do I go tell Reese & Charlotte to stop touching the stinkin' trash can??"

As I was saying. I found Raya the other day with grass in hand, and I went to get a shot of it. When I saw this, I couldn't stop laughing...

Doesn't this pic say something like, "oh sweet mercy - I thought that lady would never turn her back so I can get one little bite of this amazingly delicious grass..."

I think this grass picture definitely, Takes the Cake :).


  1. Funny!! Those pictures are too cute! Sophia, the youngest of my twins, does the exact same thing! If I set her down she goes straight for the grass and tries to shove a handful in her mouth! :-)

  2. Oh my word! Love those pictures, especially that last one!

    Lily has a love affair with grass too. I can't even tell you how many times I've turned around to see her striking a pose just like Raya's in these pictures! The other day I saw her shaking her head "No" as she was bringing the grass to her mouth -- clearly she understands she's not supposed to be eating it but she just can't resist :)

  3. Oh yes, I almost forgot -- I gave you an award on my blog today! :)

  4. Lauren DEFINITELY gets into more things than the twins got into... just because now I have three big girls to chase instead of just one! Oh well, I think she'll be better for it :)

  5. I have another grass lover too...I told her she could replace our lawnmower:) I have a question new blog friend...what do you shoot and edit with? Love your photo style!

  6. Adorable pictures! I've had a grass eater or two as well. Extra greens in the diet is beneficial, right ;)

  7. She's so cute! That's a great shot, Kate.

  8. Gorgeous pictures! That last one is cracking me up. I imagine I look the same way with a I'm about to ingest a piece of perfection :)

  9. Your girls are adorable. I love you blog - I feel like you are describing my life in almost every post!
